I prezzi e la disponibilità dei prodotti sono relativi alla data/ora indicata e sono soggetti a modifiche. Qualsiasi informazione su prezzo e disponibilità visualizzata su amazon.it al momento dell acquisto si applicherà all acquisto di questo prodotto.
The qidi 2x2's Anti-pop technology and upgraded mechanism structure allows faster turning but also balances fantastic corner cutting and zero pops
Superb rotation, good fault-tolerant performance. Great corner cutting, difficult to pop, good control of the cube.
Designed both for beginners and professional speed cubers .Out of the box, this cube delivers excellent performance for all speedcubers
ABS plastic, safe, non-toxic. Harmless to human and environment Wear-resistant and durable,Come tensioned and lubed already. When you get the cube, it's ready to rock!
Classic, this is the latest flagship cube launched by QY Toys in September 2024, this is a top version, with the best configuration (UV+MagLev+Magnetic Core)
UV+MagLev+Magnetic Core version, using the magnetic suspension elastic system, as well as the axial magnetic positioning system, the appearance of the standard six-color configuration and UV surface.
For the first time, the 3 magnetic edge positioning system is used, and there are 3 magnetic forces in the edge part for accurate positioning, helping you to Max the hand speed
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this is a good choice, QY Toys offers the most professional cubes.
Come potete vedere, questo è un cubo super figo, è ancora un cubo magnetico competitivo 2x2, ciò che è diverso dal cubo normale è la sua lucentezza e la sua struttura.
Fatto di materiale ABS compatibile con l’ambiente, l’aspetto è liscio come uno specchio, senza decolorazione, senza sbucciatura, uso affidabile, sensazione di comodo, durabilità estrema
Come il normale cubo magnetico, usiamo il magnete incorporato per il posizionamento preciso, che ha una buona operabilità e stabilità
Questo è l’ultimo cubo magnetico senza adesivi. Non è solo un cubo in uso normale, ma penso che sia fantastico come un’opera d’arte. La maggior parte degli amanti dei cubi la può raccogliere
2x2 pyramide cube with vivid colors, high quality, adjustable structure and smooth feeling, anyone will enjoy playing with it. This 2x2 triangle speed cube feels solid and smooth. Nice speed cube for beginners
For children, develops their intelligence, improves their three-dimensional imagination and hand flexibility, For adults and teenagers, relaxes their mood after tense work and study. For elders, exercises their brain,
This classic speed cube puzzle game fidget toys will never go out of style. Awesome cube to your cube collections. Perfect Christmas/Birthday gift for all the people with all the festivals
This is not a regular 3x3 cube, it is completely different from a traditional 3x3 cube, and the way it rotates along the diagonal makes it more interesting and challenging
You can rest assured about the quality of QY Toys, the highest quality materials and the most perfect design, compared with similar cubes, it is definitely the best
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